How does your support help?
Gloves are the main protective equipment for our volunteers and we avoid single-use options. Moreover, the gloves serve as a small gift for the volunteers to motivate them continue with the cleaning efforts in their surroundings.
The finds during cleanups often include sharp objects, so we avoid buying cheap plastic bags and we prefer to buy sacks which can even be reusable.
¿Que más?
Además del equipaje de limpieza, sus donaciones nos ayudarán a cubrir los gastos del agua y comida para los voluntarios - recoger basura puede ser una actividad agotadora. Además, la promesa de comida y bebida motivará a más gente a participar.
En general, cualquier ayuda económica nos permitirá visitar más lugares y, por tanto, concientizar incluso en zonas menos accesibles. En muchos de esos lugares no suelen tener medios económicos, por lo que en esos casos ofrecemos nuestras charlas y actividades gratuitamente.
¿Cómo apoyar?
What else?
The cleanups can be exhausting activity, so we like to provide water and at least some small snacks. This again serves to promote the cleanup events and gain more volunteers.
Basically any kind of financial support allows us to clean more, improve the events and attract more people.
Plus, we often do the lectures in schools in rural areas for free and with more financial support, we can do more of it.
How to support?
Topolova 1377, Most
Postal code: 43401