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Logo Planet Heroes

We are ambassadors of Planet Heroes, a Polish non-profit organization that brings together people and associations involved in environmental litter picking from all over the world.

Logo Clean Something For Nothing

We are working with Clean Something For Nothing, a Luxembourg-based organization that has developed a user-friendly app for anyone who wants to pick up litter and register their results to connect with a global community of like-minded people.

Logo 4ocean

4Ocean was one of our inspirations to enter the world of environmental protection. We work loosely together through social media and promotion of their products, which in turn sponsors their efforts to clean up rivers and oceans across the planet.


You can use code MJAQUAHOLICS20 to get 20% discount on their sustainable products.


Topolova 1377, Most

Postal code: 43401


EKO Dolan

ID 19607971

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